DSTG HPPD Security and Facilities Upgrade Project
Client: Department of Defence
Completion Date: April 2016
Completion Time: 23 Months
Value: $35 Million
The DSTG Human Protection Performance Division (HPPD) applies innovative science to improve the protection and performance of personnel in defending against chemical, biological, radiological threats and other physically challenging environments.
The project involved the demolition of an existing single storey building and construction of a new four storey building with PC2 and PC3 containment laboratory facilities and office spaces; Goods Receiving Store; Central Communications Building; site-wide security and communications upgrade and site wide fire indicator panel upgrade.
As the defence facility is a high security environment, Icon helped develop and maintain special security protocols for worker access and deliveries. This required extensive communication with various client side organisations and individuals. A high degree of coordination was also required with facility user groups to isolate existing power, water, fire, lab gases, communications and security services prior to demolition and then in reconnecting and integrating the new installations.