26 on Charles Apartments
Client: Stirling Capital
Western Australia
Project: Residential Apartments
Completion Date: March 2020
Completion Time: 14 Months
Value: $15 Million
26 on Charles Apartments is a nine storey mixed use development comprising 27 residential apartments, 2,638 sqm commercial tenancy space, commercial corridors and car parking. The development designed by MJA is located at 26 Charles Street, South Perth.
This project had commenced on site, with the developer engaging the services of another contractor prior to Icon's involvement. Demolition, site rectification and works up to ground slab had been undertaken prior to Icon entering into a Design and Construct contract for the remainder of the project.
This required due diligence with regard to the adequacy of the forward works and interrogation of the design and the construction direction that had been developed by the previous incumbent.
Icon worked collaboratively with both the client and the consultants to ensure attention to detail was of the highest quality and that functionality through the efficient use of space was developed while embracing innovation and technology to the project.