192 Ann Street – Roof Garden
Client: Daisho
Project: The creation of a subtropical rooftop space
Completion Date: July 2017
Completion Time: 7 Months
Value: $4 Million
The creation of a subtropical rooftop space through redevelopment of the existing 192 Central roof area and a connection to Level 8 for the Tenants of 180 Brisbane commercial office space via a new glass enclosed bridge link. The project consisted of the creation of a subtropical rooftop space through redevelopment of the existing 192 Central roof area and a connection to Level 8 for the Tenants of 180 Brisbane commercial office space via a new glass enclosed bridge link. The works consisted of the redevelopment of approximately 900m2 of existing rooftop, creating a multi-purpose ‘break-out’ space for the Tenants staff including: • The installation of an Enclosed Bridge Link between Level 8 of 180 Brisbane and the existing 192 Central building rooftop. • Fixed and adjustable roof awnings to accommodate a variety of events and uses. • Innovative subtropical landscaping to provide shade and retreat from the urban heat island effect whilst creating a flexible space for informal and formal activities for both day and night. • A variety of spaces suitable for small & large group activities. • 4 x 2.5m2 high definition TV & audio system. • Outdoor kitchen complete with 3 x BBQ’s and glass door fridges.