Regis Chelmer Aged Care Facility
Client: Regis Aged Care
Project: New accommodation facility including the refurbishment of an existing historical homestead
Completion Date: September 2017
Completion Time: 19 Months
Value: $27 Million
This 120 bed Aged Care facility involved the construction of a new accommodation facility including the refurbishment of an existing historical homestead located on the site. The project offers both low and high aged care. It incorporates a club services wing and a dementia specific wing. The facility also includes a cafe, cinema, hairdressing salon, eZone and landscaped gardens for residents to enjoy. This project also incorporated the refurbishment of the exiting historical homestead ‘Pontresina’ house located on the site. The Regis Chelmer Facility was located within an established residential suburb with adjacent neighbouring residential housing in close proximity to the site boundaries. With our dedicated site team skilled in project planning and reporting, we maintained a key focus on establishing and maintaining positive stakeholder relationships. Works on site were tailored to take into account project specific construction considerations which ensured that safety was maintained throughout the duration of the project works and disruption to the adjoining residential properties was minimised. Winner of the 2018 QLD Master Builders Community Accommodation for Aged Care and Nursing Homes Award