Regent Theatre
Client: Marriner Group
Project: Regent Theatre Upgrade
Completion Date: December 2019
Completion Time: 7 Months
Value: $12 Million
The Regent Theatre is one of Melbourne’s premier theatre and live performance venues.
The theatre has been variously modified and adapted from its original use as a cinema to provide facilities for live performance, however much of the decorative scheme reconstructed following the 1945 fire has been retained.
The works adopt a similar approach to the mid-1990s refurbishment of the building by retaining and celebrating the existing decorative scheme and adopting a sympathetic approach to the introduction of new facilities and fabric.
There were upgrades to the bar and catering facilities within the stalls and balcony foyers, an extension of dress circle over the stalls, refurbishment of the lower ground level female toilet facilities, upgrades to handrails, nosing and tactiles to various staircases, various ceiling penetrations, and upgrades to the display boxes to the entry lobby. The works were undertaken to support the ongoing use of the building for theatre and live performances.