National Broadband Network Satellite Ground Stations
Client: NBN Co
New South Wales,
South Australia,
Project: Satellite Ground Stations
Completion Date: February 2015
Completion Time: 27 Months
Value: $85 Million
The projects for NBN Co involved the construction of satellite ground stations that form part of the National Broadband Network’s Long Term Satellite Service to provide high-speed broadband to regional, rural and remote Australia.
The construction works include a single storey building at the centre of each facility, installation of antenna array, construction of internal sealed and unsealed roads around the site with sealed pedestrian pathways and car parking areas, services including permanent and emergency power supply, data, communication, inergen gas suppression system, hydraulics, air-conditioning, fire, security, sewerage system, installation of a three-metre high security fence around the perimeter of each facility and an additional stock fence forming a site within a site and security monitoring systems including a security pass access system.