Equinix Data Centre, Stage 2B
Client: Equinix
Western Australia
Project: Data Centre expansion Stage 2B
Completion Date: May 2019
Completion Time: 6 Months
Value: $10 million
Equinix Shenton Park Stage 2B is a continuation of Stage 2A which saw the expansion of the existing data centre facilities, and the fitout of Data Hall 4 completed by Icon.
Stage 2B will see the fitout of the Data Hall 3 shell space with the BladeRoom® cooling fit-out component, along with the installation of other client free issued equipment, which includes Integrated Power Modules (IPM), Static Transfer Switches (STS), a Transformer and Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS).
Icon were responsible for the integration and commissioning of all plant and equipment including Bladeroom® and free issue equipment.
Equinix will provide the test scripts for the Integrated Systems Testing (IST), with Icon providing all resources and project management during the IST and testing phases.