Epworth Hospital Eastern Flats Redevelopment
Client: Epworth Healthcare and Vital Healthcare
Project: Health and Aged Care
Completion Date: November 2021
Completion Time: 28 Months
Value: $104 Million
The Epworth Eastern Flats Redevelopment involves the design and construction of a new fourteen storey tower adjacent to the existing Hospital which will also undergo refurbishment. The new tower will include: a three level basement carpark connected to the existing hospital carpark on all levels, Materials Handling Supply store adjacent the existing loading dock, new entry foyer and pathology collection on Level 1, Pathology laboratory, staff lounge and plant room on Level 2, Five operating theatres and associated support spaces on Level 3, 21 bed IPU wards on Levels 4, 5 and 6, Executive offices on Level 7, Cold shells for future fitout on Levels 8, 9 and 10, Consulting suites for consultants relocated from the existing hospital on Levels 11 through 14 and Level 15 will contain plant for the new tower and extends the infrastructure of the existing Hospital.