Brisbane Private Hospital – In-Patient Unit Facility
Client: Healthscope
Project: State of the art five storey in-patient drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre
Completion Date: October 2017
Completion Time: 17 Months
Value: $29 Million
This project offers a state of the art five storey in-patient drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre, built directly in front of an existing, operational Hospital. The Brisbane Private Hospital In-Patient Unit is an exciting project located on a prominent and busy street of Brisbane city. The newly constructed facility not only provides the existing Hospital with much needed inpatient spaces and consultation areas, the positioning at the front of the existing facility also allows the new building to provide a modern and cutting edge look to the Hospital. Special considerations for this project included programming activities in mind with neighbourhood and community engagement, additional noise and dust controls and the identification and management for the protection of trees and existing street scape.