We are committed to operating incident and injury-free across all of our divisions.
To support this positive safety culture, we have developed a robust safety and risk management system which drives continuous safety improvement targeted at the early identification of potential workplace hazards.
We are committed to incorporating safety and occupational health management into all aspects of the business, communicating our safety policy and procedures to all stakeholders effectively, providing appropriate safety training and awareness to all of our people, and complying with statutory obligations.
We promote a company-wide safety culture that motivates and empowers employees to behave safely and ensure that their own safety is not compromised. This is the cornerstone of achieving safety excellence throughout the Company.

Safety alliances and accreditations
We understand the importance of setting and maintaining high safety standards. We are Office of Federal Safety Commissioner accredited under the Australian Government Building and Construction OH&S Scheme, which allows us to enter into contracts for building works funded directly or indirectly by the Australian Government.
As a company, we do more than simply evolve the built environment. We’re also committed to improving the social environment.
We regard this as a great opportunity to build pathways to a better business, but also to a better industry. Rather than it being an afterthought, we aim to make Corporate Social Responsibility second nature, at the heart of every project we undertake.
By expanding our trademark credibility, integrity and ethics outside our day to day work and project operations, in a way that engages and inspires all stakeholders, Icon will lead the way toward that better industry and a better way of doing things.
We work with clients and suppliers to ensure that all our endeavours are strategically and culturally implemented to achieve:
- economically sustainable development,
- protection of the environment,
- and social enrichment.

We promote endeavours that support best practice.
Operating under an accredited AS/NZS ISO14001:2015 management system in Australia and developing project specific Environmental Management Plans (EMP).
Training senior employees to be accredited Green Star™ professionals. Green Star™ is the officially recognised environmental rating system for buildings in Australia, led by the Green Building Council of Australia.
Constructing numerous environmentally sustainable buildings in Australia and overseas. We are familiar with the Australian Green Star requirements and LEED requirements in the Americas and China.
We work to benefit the various communities in which we work and live and we encourage good corporate citizenship. Across the company we aim to benefit society and have implemented our Community 2-Day initiative, where employees are offered paid leave to allow them to undertake volunteer work with a charity or community organisation of their choice. We also regularly provide support to selected charities, fundraisers and disaster relief groups.