University of Otago Dental School
Client: University of Otago
New Zealand
Project: Redevelopment of the University of Otago Dental School
Completion Date: January 2021
Value: $102 Million
A two-stage project delivered in a joint venture with Leighs Construction. The 8,000m2 clinical services building connects to the rear of the Dental School’s existing 10,000m2 Walsh building. Key to the project was creating a cohesive language between these buildings, connecting new with old. A cornerstone of the project was the adaptive-reuse of the Category 1 Heritage-listed Walsh Building.
The new facility houses key clinical services, teaching facilities with over 200 new dental chairs; eleven clinics provide a range of services, including general practice dentistry.
The existing Walsh building houses flexible learning spaces, dentistry-specific teaching laboratories, academic accommodation, and a new home for the Sir John Walsh Research Institute.