Munroe Lane
Client: Asset Plus Investments
New Zealand
Project: Commercial Offices, 26,500m2 (GFA), warm shell office fitout, 224 carparks
Completion Date: November 2022
Completion Time: 24 Months
Value: $95 Million
6-8 Munroe Lane is an exciting 26,500m2 (GFA) commercial office development located in Albany. It will consist of 1.5 levels of basement and 6 levels of A-grade commercial office space – inclusive of integrated MCHF works for anchor tenant, Auckland City Council.
The project is founded on a 4,200m2 greenfield site and the large basement interfaces with the ground water table and an existing underfill drainage system below an engineered fill ground layer. The superstructure will consist of a reinforced concrete frame, double tee flooring units and features a large central atrium. Aiming for 5-star Greenstar, the building will be wrapped in a high-performance curtainwall façade with integrated cultural identity artworks and patterns.
Following a competitive ECI Services tender process, Icon worked quickly to de-risk the unknown impact of the underfill drainage system by providing practical design solutions and using our established relationship with Auckland Council to agree a compliance pathway. Icon also provided the Client an agile 2-stage procurement process to suit the Clients changing board and tenant approval processes.